
Partnership with Schools

In frame of this project we offer to schools a possibility to establish a partnership with a school in Kenya and we support this school during starting period of partnership activities – the project of partnership mediates a strong personal experience to the kids and intensifies the effectiveness and fallout of the development education.
The diverse palette of activities can involve an establishment of correspondent contact with African children, exchange of photos or video messages showing the life of Czech kids, making of school needs for African children or pictures to decorate their classrooms, making a web site about the partnership project etc.
Our presumption is that these small partner activities will lead into bigger support actions in future – for example purchase of sports articles, blackboards and other equipment for the partner school. It is a really intense experience for the kids to see a photo of „their“ picture on the wall of an African classroom or a ball bought for „their“ money. The project is therefore enriching for both sides.