Dear friends,
we would like to thank you very much for the support. Before Easter, we managed to collect 50 000 CZK and we used these for the listed below:
1) We have bought ingredients to make antibacterial soap. The headmaster of our school is a chemist and he and the students of the last school year were making the soap already last year when we had the issue with cholera.
2) We have bought canisters with a tap, so we could set up more places to wash hands not only in the area of Island of Hope but also in the whole village.
3) We have bought Oxygen bottles and the necessary equipment to be able to help more sick people.
4) Medicine – especially paracetamol, antibiotics, and antivirotics.
5) Protective equipment – masks, disposable gloves, and overalls. We have ordered respirators, so hopefully, they will arrive soon.
6) Fabrics, which we are using for homemade cotton face masks. We would like to ask volunteers for help with sewing the masks. We believe that wearing masks is very helpful for fighting the virus. The employees of Island of HOPE lead by example of people who are wearing face masks, and they inform everyone in the area of Rusinga Island.
We have introduced some preventive steps at the clinic:
- the waiting room has been moved outside, to keep necessary distance between each patient
- there is a tent by the entrance of the hospital, where we check the temperature of people who come
- people who have fever or symptoms of COVID-19 will be moved to the isolation area behind the clinic.
We would like to carry on with the collection to be able to buy more protective equipment, disinfection, and cleaners. Please donate. We would like to provide a safe working environment for medics, so they can help the local community without high risk.
Many thanks, we all help together. Center Narovinu
You can donate on the account 107-6829480277/0100, variable symbol 910 (in Slovakia EUR: 4001055909/7500, IBAN: SK1375 0000 0000 4001055909, BIC/SWIFT: CEKOSKBX, v.s.: 910). Thank you very much for your support, every little help.