
Adoption - Paskal Ouma

Child number: 41494
Boy, 21 years
Not adopted
City, quarter: Kisumu Nyemba
State: Kenya
Mother: Josphine Anyango, birth 1976, Peasant Farmer
Father: Gabriel Oguda, birth 1940, Peasant Farmer
Guardian: -
Description of the situation: Pascal was born on 3rd February 2003. He lives with his parents and 6 siblings in the village in a 3-room mud house belonging to the family. His parents are peasant farmers and earn on average 5000 Ksh per month. They use firewood for cooking, kerosene lamp for lighting and get water from the river. Pascal has a problem with his ears, he takes a medication. The boy lost his adoptive parents and he needs to pay 2 additional school fees (4,800 CZK) to finish his studies on Matera Mixed Secondary School.
Contact: Pavla Brixí, , tel. +420 723 118 389