Civic association Centre Narovinu focuses on development cooperation with the aim to improve education, health care and general life standard in Kenya. Other priorities of the association are to contribute to creation of a tolerant multicultural society, raising public awareness of the situation in developing countries and prevention of discrimination and racism in our society. Centre Narovinu participates in the campaign Czech against Poverty.
Centre Narovinu launched their activities back in 1995. After fifteen years of operating under the original name Humanist Centre Narovinu organisational changes came in 2009, which culminated by renaming the association and accepting new statutes. Currently main activities of Centre Narovinu are projects of foreign development cooperation in Kenya and global education in the Czech Republic.
Current projects of Centre Narovinu
Development projects are directed with great emphasis on long-lasting sustainability, support of self-sufficiency, transition from passive attitude to active taking over responsibility and use of own possibilities. We believe that this is the only way to attain real help for needy communities in Africa and elsewhere.
„ Adoption of African children – project of distant support“ and providing of health insurance
The project to help children in various parts of Kenya living bellow poverty level
The aim: to enable poor children access to education and basic health care
Community centre „Island of Hope“ on Rusinga Island in Lake Victoria
The project of constructing and assuring operation of the centre consisting of an orphanage, nursery school, primary and secondary school, health centre and communally beneficial educational centre and a farm.
The aim: to contribute to solving problems of the Rusinga Island community
„Africa by uncommon eyes“
Organization of discussions, projections, workshops, exhibitions, and other enlightening actions for children and adults
Organization of seminars for volunteers
The aim: to inform the public and school children about the situation in Africa, prevention of racism, discrimination and xenophobia, multicultural education
The realization of the project is supported by European Union and Ministry of foreign affairs of CR
„Partnership of Czech and Kenyan schools“
The project of written communication among schools together with preparation of learning tools and other materials by Czech schools for schools in Kenya
The aim: to get pupils and teachers in Czech and Kenyan schools in contact, multicultural education, efforts to create a sense of partnership among all people
Volunteering and Centre Narovinu
The civic association Centre Narovinu is based mainly on voluntary work. Only five people work full time. Other necessary administrative activities, without which the projects’ realization would not be possible, are carried out by volunteers. Tens of projects’ coordinators and their assistants are engaged in activities of the association only in their free time.
Employees and volunteers of Centre Narovinu are connected by common ideals and values, such as truth, fairness, compassion, tolerance, solidarity, responsibility and honesty. Thus they try to reach set goals of the Centre. One of them is development of voluntary work and wider application in the field of development cooperation, education and enlightenment.
Are you interested in getting regular information about our activities?
You can use the possibility of being informed through a bulletin.
How can you join us?
We need concrete help in these areas:
administration of the Distant Adoption project
coordination of the Distant Adoption project
advertising activities
looking for schools and people interested in our programmes
graphics, modifications of our web page
looking for doctors for an internship in the hospital on Rusinga Island
» Using information about the Center Narovinu website visitor
» Information about adoptive parents personal data processing in Centrum Narovinu
Centre Narovinu resides in Centre of non-profit activities in No. 1, Tyršova Street along with several other organizations of similar focus. We also run a small shop with the spirit of fair trade. Apart from offices, there is also a hall for various activities which is on demand at the disposal to other organizations and groups.
Oldřichova 21, 128 00 Praha 2; map
Tel.: 777 831 836
Registration in the register of public benefit companies maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section O, Insert 1304.
IČ: 63109948, DIČ: CZ63109948
Bank accounts:
The Czech Republic: KB-Praha 5, a.n. 19-1460510217/0100, collection account number: 107-6829480277/0100
Czech Euro account (for contributions from abroad, SEPA payment in Euros): 35-3076360217/0100 (IBAN: CZ5001000000353076360217, BIC/SWIFT: KOMBCZPPXXX)
Slovakia: ČSOB-Zvolen, a.n. 4001055909/7500 (IBAN: SK1375000000004001055909, BIC/SWIFT: CEKOSKBX)