How to "adopt" an African child at distance?
Choose a particular child from the on-line database of not yet adopted children.
Contact the coordinator of that child and make sure that s/he doesn’t negotiate about the child with anybody else yet. Ask for further information like date of school entrance, ways of payment and hyperlink for online form (donation agreement) which needs to be filled in.
Fill in the online form (donation agreement) for the chosen child - it is necessary to enroll your name and contact details and choose the way and frequency of payment. Print twice the donation agreement, sign them and send both of them to our address: Centre Narovinu, Oldřichova 358/21, 128 00 Praha 2 or you can scan it and send by email to
In the office, we will fill in the dates of payment according to the date of the child’s school entrance. We will send you the original of the contract back within a week.
Please, send your payment by the date stated to the account number written in the donation agreement. Do not forget to use child’s identification number as a variable symbol. At the moment when we get the payment from you the adoption comes into force and you will be able to access “Personal adoptive parent page” where you can e.g. print your certificate and control your payments.
Your adopted child will enter school in the nearest term possible and you will receive the first letter with the report and picture from Kenya approximately two months after the end of the school period.
You can also come in person to our office from Monday to Friday anytime between 9:00 and 17:00 at the address Oldřichova 358/21, 128 00 Praha 2, and everything will be in place.