
Adoption - List of Children


» Search urgently for parents
» Children from Island of Hope

Total: 69 children
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Adrian Paul

6 years
Not adopted
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53527
Adrian's parents are a peasant farmers but their income is very little. Therefore he lives with his grandmother who works as a housemaid but she has also other children to take care of and it is very hard. In 2024, he should be attending kindergarden at Island of Hope Humanist  Primary School. He needs a support of 600 CZK/25 EUR/month (7.200 CZK/300 EUR/year). Adrian enjoys painting and football.

Geldan Luiz Otieno

6 years
Not adopted
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53032
Geldan was born in 2018 and has three older siblings: Beryll (1996), Winnie (2002), and Elizabeth (2005). After the father died mother and the children were sent away by Geldans' uncles because of land issues.The mother left home with all her children and went to a fishing village where there are lots of immoralities and she rent a one roomed mud house there. The mother works as hotel attendant where she is being paid 2500 KES which is not enough to pay rent, school fees to the children, provide medication and other basic needs in life to the family. The family uses charcoal for cooking and solar powered lighting. They get their water from the lake. Some of Geldan’s hobbies include playing football and soccer.In 2024, he should be attending kindergarten at Island of Hope Humanist  Primary School. He needs a support of 600 CZK/25 EUR/month (7.200 CZK/300 EUR/year). Will you help Geldan to get an education?

Hassan George Ochieng

6 years
Not adopted
Search urgently for parents
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53033
Hassan was born in 2018 and has a younger sibling Lian (2021). Their mother is still a student, so they are taken care of by their grandmother. She sells fish and has her own children to take care of. The income that she makes from selling fish is not enough to pay for the needs of all the children and send them to school. The family’s net income is 6,200 KSH (62 EUR). There are 10 dependents living in their mud home that has two rooms. For cooking they use firewood and charcoal and retrieve their water from the lake. For lighting they have solar power lighting. Some of Hassan’s hobbies includes playing football. Hassan has developed a problem with his left ear, he can't hear well and needs to see an ear specialist. So it would help him a lot if he would be included in our medical cover program as well. In 2024, Hassan should attend kindergarden at Island of Hope’s school. His adoption costs are 2.400 CZK/ 100 EUR per school term (7.200 CZK/ 300 EUR per year). Will you help Hassan’s family send him to nursary and later to school and get an education he deserves?

Wilberforce Ouma Ndeswe

6 years
Not adopted
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53154
Family lives in a mud house, cook on fire, use solar energy for lights and gets water from the lake. The boy has four siblings. Father is a peasant farmar and mother is at home. They very struggle with basic needs due to unpredictible weather. In 2024, he should be attending nursary at Island of Hopel. He needs a support of 600 CZK/25 EUR/month (7.200 CZK/300 EUR/year).

Russel Onyango Otieno

7 years
Not adopted
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53176
Russel is the second last born in the family of five children. The father died leaving the mother who does peasant farming for her income to cater for the family and children’s need. Because the mother could not manage to do that, the children together with the mother now stays with the grandparents who are sickling and only does peasant farming but the income they get from farming is little to provide basic needs for the family. Their average monthly net income is 2400 KES. Eight people live in a two roomed mud house which belongs to family. They use firewood for cooking, Kerosene/Solar for lighting and they get water from lake. Russel's siblings are Samantha Akoth (2014), Aphiline Adhiambo (2014), Mishael Akinyi (2018) and Trizah Atieno (2020). Russel is doing well health wise at present. Russel likes playing football and in school he likes Mathematics. Russel would like to be a teacher after his studies. From January 2024 the boy should move to the orphanage and join Kindergarten. He needs support with an amount 16,800 CZK/660 EUR per year (1400 CZK/55 EUR per month).

Sabol Andrea Ocholla

7 years
Not adopted
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 52897
Sabol was born when the mother was still a student at a college. Now the mother is married but her husband doesn’t want him. This is why Sabol is staying with the grandmother who is a widow and has her own children. She is an hotel attendant and the income she gets is little to provide the basic needs to the family. The family lives in a two roomed mud house. They get water from the lake, use solar energy for lighting and firewood and charcoal for cooking. Sabol likes football and soccer. In 2024, he should be attending class 2 at Island of Hope Humanist Primary School. He needs a support of 600 CZK/25 EUR/month (7.200 CZK/300 EUR/year).

Chris Jayden George

8 years
Not adopted
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 52893
Chris Jayden is the second born in the family of three children. The father who was the only breadwinner is sickling now and can not go fishing to earn money for a living. Its now the mother who goes to the hill to fetch firewood and sell to people inorder to provide money for the family. The family lives in a four roomed, own, permanent house, they get water from the lake, use firewood for cooking and use solar/kerosene for lighting. Jayden likes playing football and soccer. He is doing well except for occasional malaria. In 2024, he should be attending class 2 at Island of Hope Humanist  Primary School. He needs a support of 600 CZK/25 EUR/month (7.200 CZK/300 EUR/year).

Godfrey Onyango Odhiambo

11 years
Not adopted
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53159
The father who was the only family breadwinner died leaving Godfrey and his two sibblings with the mother. The mother left the children with no one to care of and nobody knows where she is. This is why Godfrey and the sibblings were taken by their aunt but she is a widow, sickling and she only does fishing to feed the family, pay school fees and provide other needs. Her income is very litte and the situation of the family is not good at all. Therefore he should move to orphanage at Island of Hope and in 2024 he should be attending class 2 at Island of Hope Humanist Primary school. He needs a support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year). He would like to be a teacher one day.

Moses Otieno Obonyo

11 years
Not adopted
Child number: 52436
Moses Otieno Obonyo was born on 31/5/2013 and he has one older sister, Sharon Achieng. His mother Pauline Atieno works as charcoal seller and his father Dominic Obonyo works as a gardener. The household monthly income is 5000 KES (approximately 42 EUR). The family has to take care of their sick mother who needs to go to the doctor every month. The family is not able to pay all needs (rental, meal, school fees etc.). They live in a semi-permanent rented house, use charcoal for cooking, electricity for lighting and they use purchased water. Moses is a smiling and healthy boy. In 2024 he attends class 5 at primary school, he needs support 7200 Kč/300 EUR per year.

Stephen Ochieng Odhiambo

11 years
Not adopted
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53167
Stephens father died and his mother run away. The boy therefore lives with his grandmother who is a peasant farmer and she also takes care about other four grandchildren. The family income is very little from the farming. However, the family's situation is very challenging and that is why we have decided to place the boy in our orphanage in the community centre Island of Hope where he should start class 5 at primary school in January 2024. He needs a support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year). He would like to become a teacher.

Clinton Ochieng

12 years
Not adopted
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53090
The father died leaving Clinton and his five sibblings with the mother. She works as a fisherwomen in the night but her income is very little to provide for the basic needs (education,health and food) of the family. Due to very difficult situation Clinton was taken to our orphanage at Island of Hope. Clinton likes football and he would like to be a teacher one day. In 2024, he should be attending class 6 at Island of Hope Humanist Primary school. He needs a support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year).

Mary Anyango Omondi

12 years
Not adopted
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53160
Mary's parents seperated and she remained with the father but he does only casual job and moves a lot due to nature of his job. The father is also a drunkard and does not care for the child and also becomes violent when he is drunk. Nobody knows where is the mother. This is why Mary was taken by her grandmother who is old and does nothing for her income, the family survives from welwishers and neighbours. Apart from Mary, the grandmother stays with other three children who are orphans. She should move to orphanage at Island of Hope and she should be attending class 6 at Island of Hope Humanist Primary school in 2024. She needs a support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year). She would like to be a doctor one day.

Mercy Joyna Baraza

12 years
Not adopted
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53161
Mercy is last born of three kids. Her father died. Her mother works as hotel attendant. Family income is very little. Due to family situation Mecy supposed to join orpahange Island of Hope Rusinga in January 2024. Mercy would like to become a teacher. Would you help her to get edducation? Her support costs 16 800,- Czk/660 EUR. per calendar year.

Billy Ochieng’ Ochieng’

13 years
Not adopted
Search urgently for parents
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53170
Billy is the third born in the family of four children: Clifford (2006) is the oldest, Belinder (2008), Joshua (2014) is the youngest. Father who was the only family bread winner was jailed because he defiled his own daughter and will only be released in 2030.The father is also a drunkard and after drinking he usually beated the mother and children and chase them away from home forcing them to find a place for sleeping. Now the children are under the care of their mother who only sells tomatoes along the road in-order to provide for the family basic needs. The income the mother gets from her business/work is very little (average monthly net income 1600 KES). The first and last born child in the family is having sickle anemia. They live in a mud house which belongs to family. There are five dependents in the family; the house has two rooms. They use firewood for cooking, Kerosene/Solar for lighting, get water from lake. Billy is doing well health wise at present. Billy likes reading story books, playing football. Billy likes Science, Agriculture and Home science. Billy would like to be an electrician after school. because of a very bad situation from 2024 he should move to the orphanage and start studying 6th grade at Island of Hope Humanist School. He needs a support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year).

David Ouma Juma

13 years
Not adopted
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53157
David´s parents separated because the father drinks and after drinking he becomes violent. He was taken by his aunt who is an old widow who is sick and also have her own children to feed. The family has no invcome and entirely depends on neighbours for their up keep. Therefore David should move to orphanage at Island of Hope and in 2024 he should be attending class 3 at Island of Hope Humanist Primary school. He needs a support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year). David likes footbal.

Job Oguta

13 years
Not adopted
Search urgently for parents
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 56097
Job has three siblings: Faith, Tonny and Felix. His parents seperated and the mother left them with the father who is sickling. Therefore the children were taken by their aunt Dorcille. She earns money by selling vegetable along the road. The income of the aunt is meagre and is not enough to provide the basic needs to the family. There are seven people in total living in a mud house with iron roof. They cook on fire or on gas. Job likes swimming and footbal. When he grows up he would like to be a doctor. Because of the bad conditions in 2024, he should move to orphanage at Island of Hope and he should be attending class 5 at Island of Hope Humanist Primary school. He needs a support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year).

Samuel Muuo

13 years
Not adopted
Child number: 52678
SSamuel is the youngest in the family of four children. He has older brother Winfred born in 1995, sister Irine (ID 55063) born in 1998,and sister Coleta born in 2005. The family separated after the father lost his job and disappeared. Father abandoned the mother with all four children. The mother has no permanent job and this makes very difficult to meet all basic requirements for the family. They have around 2.500 KES/ 25 EUR per month. The family lives in a one semi –permanent (iron sheet, timber) room that is rented. They use paraffin stove for cooking, electricity for lighting and they get water from a bore hole. Samuel is healthy and he is doing well. In 2024 he is in the 6th grade of elementary school. Samuel listen often on and off from the school due to lack of school fees. He is very hardworking and that is also why we decided to put him into our programme so that he could get the opportunity to go regularly to the school. He needs support of 2.400 CZK/100 EUR per term.

Solomon Ochieng Odhiambo

13 years
Not adopted
Search urgently for parents
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53089
Solomon used to live with his mum and two siblings, brother Joshua and sister Makrine. Mum used to work as a cook at primary school but she lost her job. She starts fishing in the night on other peoples nets to earn some money. Due to bad weather and many fishermen fishing and also use of undersized nets, the catch of fish in the lake has reduced making Solomon's mother income little.The family situation is very bad and therefore in 2022 Solomon was taken to Orphanage at Island of Hope. He likes footbal and he would like to be an ingeneer when he grows up. In 2024, he should be attending class 6 at Island of Hope Humanist Primary school. He needs a support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year).

Kilian Githiri Nyakio

14 years
Not adopted
Child number: 52740
Kilian has a sister Joy, which is also in our program (ID 52739), their mother is a single lady. Children live with their mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and an uncle. Mother is jobless, she does casual work for people in their village like digging in their farms, fetching water and washing their clothes in order to get little money and be able to buy food for the family. The entire family depends on this little income (1,000 ksh per month – about 10 EUR). The family (which has 6 members altogether) lives in their own 2-roomed semi-permanent house. They take water from the river, use fire woof for cooking and electricity for lighting. The boy is in good health. Goes to high school. Adoption of this child costs 5.600 CZK/220 EUR per semester.

Michael Obama Odira

14 years
Not adopted
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53162
Michael is a second born. His mother has died. His father is mentaly unstabled threfore the boy and his two brothers Wilsona and Vincenta live with their grandmother. She is disabled and not capable to provide any income for the family. The family is surviving on food which is given to them by neighbours and wellwishers. In 2024, he should move to orphanage at Island of Hope and he should be attending class 7 at Island of Hope Humanist Primary school. He needs a support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year). Michaels dream is to become a doctor.
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The project of remote support „Adoptions of African children“ mediates an access to education for poor Kenyan children without pulling them out of their natural environment and community. This project has been running since 2002 and has helped more than 3500 children. School fees at primary school are CZK 7200 (€300) / year, and at secondary school, college and orphanage are CZK 16800 (€660). The payment can also be broken down into multiple instalments.

Section of detailed information provides an overview of how this projects works. In case you have already chosen a child from our database, you can also find here all the steps to be taken in order to adopt a child remotely.

You can also provide the adoptive children by health insurance, that covers any medical treatment the child needs during 1 year.

Adoption Friend Club forms an integral part of this project, and enables to support education of Kenyan children by one-time contribution anytime during the year.

In case you already are an “adoptive parent”, here you will find complementary information and references for adoptive parents about the whole adoption process.

Photo-gallery and videos document promotional events of this project and provide coverage from trips to Kenya, including greetings and messages from children, handing over of presents and give overview of individual schools and their facilities.