Primary school was opened in January 2009 and it has grown every year by one class. In December 2013, our first 8th graders took the final state comparative exams and left for high schools. The school is attended by about 300 children. In every class there are approximately 35 pupils. Humanist principles of treatment and non-violent approach are alleged in the school. This may sound natural in the Czech Republic, but in Kenya corporal punishment, e.g. using a cane, is still quite common. Our school is the first one on Rusinga Island that decided not to use corporal punishment and so the majority of the local community was convinced, that the children were going to fail the exams. That is why the above mentioned success of our 8th graders was very important- it was able to question the general opinion, that the use of a cane in necessary and right.
Apart from schooling children we also organize methodological seminars for teachers. We try to teach them how to replace motivation based on rewards and punishments, how to implement modern, experiential educational methods, and how to create an inspiring environment based on trust where curiosity is welcome and mistakes are considered as means of further learning. We emphasize the importance of the development of critical thinking, cooperation, and education towards non-violence.
What does the primary school currently needs?
- financial means for salaries, so that we do not lose high-quality and qualified teachers
- Library and video rental equipment- children´s books, textbooks, instructional DVD´s etc.
- complete equipment of computer lab
- new toilets
- financial means for construction and equipment of new canteen
- financial means for better nourishment (a more versatile diet)