
Adoption - Hansley Odhiambo Opondo

Child number: 52735
Boy, 11 years
Hansley Odhiambo Opondo has been in adoption programme since year 2019 and he goes to school PRICY EDUCATION CENTRE..
City, quarter: Nairobi Lucky Summer
State: Kenya
Mother: Judith Akinyi, birth 1990, Selling vegetables
Father: Bernard Omolloh, birth 1976, Selling sec.hand clothes
Description of the situation: Hensley is an only child. His mother is selling vegetables and his father second hand clothes.Their average monthly income is 2500 KES /22 EUR which is not enough to sustain the family as well as paying the school fees. They live in a one room semi-permanent house which is rental. Family als take care of Hansley cousin.They use kerosen stove for cooking, electricity for lighting and they buy water from the tap. Hensley is healthy at the present. He would like to be an international footballer in the future. In 2019 heis in class 1 at Primary School. He needs support of 2.400 CZK/100 EUR per term.
Contact: Alena Tabet, , tel. +420 606 502 885