
Adoption - Andrew Odemba

Child number: 52657
Boy, 17 years
Andrew Odemba has been in adoption programme since year 2018 and he goes to school Oriwo Boys Secondary School.
City, quarter: Luanda Luanda [Osodo]
State: Kenya
Mother: Millicent Apiyo, birth 1949, House wife
Guardian: Ann Oloo, birth 1949, House wife
Description of the situation: Andrew is the first born in the family of two children, the father who was the only family breadwinner died leaving the children with their mother who completely does nothing and just survives from the hands of well-wishers for her daily bread. The children were then taken by their old grandmother who also survives through the help of her children. Apart from Andrew and the sister Ann Angel, the grandmother also lives/stays with three children who their mother separated with the father because the father could not manage to take good care of them. There are six dependents in the house. The house has four rooms. They get water from the well, use firewood for cooking and kerosene lamp/solar for lighting. Andrew is doing well health wise at present. Due to the family situation the child was placed in the orphanage "Island of Hope" on the Rusinga Island, where this child should find new home and start going to school. (Adoption of this child is increased by the amount of 16.800 CZK/660 EUR per year to cover the cost of the study, accommodation, food and governess in the orphanage.)
Contact: Andrea Augustová, , tel. +420 604 995 079