We would like to show you for an inspiration how the correspondence between a Czech adoptive parent, and his supported child in Kenya can look like.
Three times a year large packages with letters, certificates and photographs of children from Kenya come into the office and we put them into envelopes and then forward the adoptive parents. Among the letters pictures of Belinda Nafuly, at those she is holding large colorful pictures and is surrounded by birthday wishes, birthday hat and many letters, impressed us. Belinda Nafula was lucky that she had gotten into the project Long distance Adoption, and was very lucky that she has been chosen by Tomas Zapletal, who became her adoptive parent at the end of 2013.
He invented a wonderful gift for her this year's birthday, and thanks to its great ideas and energy he made very happy girl in the 9000 km distant Kenya. He called out his friends and family, one day they met in the Olomouc square and made a little "celebration" of Belinda' s birthday. He printed letters, which the participants were holding, bought balloons and various "party" things and created a birthday photo together. At the same time he asked all to write a short letter to Belinda, where they introduce themselves and write something interesting. All letters, characters and birthday accessories he then packaged and sent to Belinda. He also made a list of people who are on the photo so Belinda knew who is writing to her. It was his birthday present. Mr. Tomas Zapletal is holding the letter "L" in the photo :-)
Belinda can be promoted through his business – sell fashion on the internet and rental super sport cars – www.figroup.cz.
We thank Thomas for his support and original idea :-)