April 12, 2014 - African Saturday
We would like to invite you to a talk and presentation of photographs and videos led by Dana Feminová. The talk starts at 2 p. m. and will be followed by the second meeting of the Club of Friends of Island of Hope (at 4 p. m.)
A talk with Dana Feminová at 2 a. m.
What was Dana Feminová's last visit to Kenya like? Did the children like their presents? What's new on the farm? What did the adoption coordinators talk about at their meeting? Photographs and videos will be presented too.
2nd meeting of the Club of Friends of Island of Hope at 4 a. m.
Take part in a new development project in Kenya and share your ideas in teams working in the following areas:
- Farm and sustainable sources
- Social work and education
- Fundraising a promotion
Centrum Narovinu, Sokolská 32, Praha 2 (metro I.P. Pavlova)
More information: Lenka Čapková, lenka.capkova@adopceafrika.cz, mobile: 732 203 196