The story began in 2007, when the Pavelka family from Bratislava, Slovakia, had read her life-story published at our webpage: Eunice Akinyi was born in August 12, 1996. Both of her parents died, when she was a little girl. She stays with her mother´s sister Evarlive Adhiambo, who takes take of her. Eunice doesn´t have any siblings. They live in a house with thatched roof, use firewood for cooking, kerosene lamp for lighting and get water from the river. Her aunt is a small-scale farmer. Eunice enjoys playing football and volleyball...
Today Eunice is a 17-year old lady and studies at the secondary school. She would like to become a nurse and help Kenyan people. The Pavelka family visited Eunice in Kenya in 2011 and they spent a wonderful week in the Siaya area. They promised then, that one day Eunice would visit them in Slovakia. Their mutual wish has been fulfilled now and Eunice could spent her Christmas and New Year with her Slovakian adoptive family. She has visited not only Bratislava, but also went for a trip to see Christmas Vienna and she has visited Prague with her adoptive family. They all attended a public meeting, where they shared the details of the distant adoption project, their pen-friendship, the meeting in Kenya and the invitation to Slovakia. It´s a great pleasure for Eunice that she has the opportunity to see how her adoptive family lives and her biggest surprise so far is how cold the winter in Europe can be...