Was it contribution? Surely, for children in Africa.
Within the project called „ Through Education towards a Universal Human Nation“, two TV spots were prepared, filmed and broadcasted. Their topics came from two Millenium development goals. One of them is the access of primary-school education to everybody). And the next is assuring of permanent environmental sustainability - access to clear drinking water.
Finances for the media campaign came from EU grant. All Czech TV channels met our demands and thanks to charitable prices we could broadcast 260 spots during all December (60 spots on TV Pětka, 40 spots on TV Óčko, 60 spots on TV Barrandov and 100 spots on TV Prima including channels Prima Cool and Prima Family). TV viewership was incredible and your reactions very positive and favorably evaluating our intention. Thank you.
Apart from television network, the campaign took place also in multiplex Cinestar. Totally there were broadcasted (in a week from 13. till 19. December) 2 141 spots in Prague, Hradec Králové, České Budějovice, Jihlava, Liberec, Mladá Boleslav, Opava, Olomouc, Ostrava, Pardubice, Plzeň and Zlín. The spots were viewed by 97 106 visitors in total.
At the same time, audio-spots with the same topic were broadcasted on radio stations (Radio Impuls and RockZona). Press releases, informative newspaper and magazine articles were sent out, and our activities were presented in various TV shows.
During a week from 24. 12. to 30.12. , there was a banner campaign at www.femina.cz and www.living.cz with 374 901 displays and 263 clicks on our webpage.
In total our site viewership grew to 12 290 visitors in December (in November the number was 3 779). In the period between December 25 and 31 the number even exceeded 1000 visitors a day.
The numbers are very high so how did it reflect in our projects in particular?
By the end of December several tens of new adoptions were arranged. New volunteers offering help with our activities showed up. We have full diary of activities at schools till February. Plenty of schools decided apart from distant adoption support to extend their help in Kenyan a Czech schools partnership project.
Thanks to all for your support and help. We evaluate media blitz as very successful with its outcome reflecting in the next months and years.
If you would like to support us in the future - you can download banners, adverts, spots or topics for interesting articles at our webpage.
We are thankful for all your support without which would not be possible to realize so many projects.
For Centrum Narovinu, Simona Heřtusová.