
NGO Market 2011

12th fair of non-profit organizations NGO Market 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011, 10a.m.7p.m.

Let us invite you for an event organized by the foundation Forum 2000, where you will be able to closely learn work of nearly 150 non-profit organizations. The main topic of this year‘s fair is volunteerism. We will introduce variable range of opportunities to visitors of how they can help and become volunteers. Accompanying activities will be newly extended through creative workshops, fair-trade stalls, exotic dishes tasting and stage culture program. Rich program of lectures and workshops is an essential part of the forum.

Vaclav Havel has taken over the patronage over the fair and the singer Tonya Graves and actor Boris Hybner have become its patrons. Entrance to the fair and all accompanying events is for free.

We look forward to you

NGO Market
fair of non-profit organizations NGO Market 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011, 10a.m.7p.m.

National technical library, Technická 6, Prague 6 (metro station Dejvická)