Hippo statuette brown (stripe)
80 Kč
Hippo – statuette is made by masons from the Kisi tribe from the area of the village of Tabaka, which is the only place in Kenya where the mined rock called talc from which the mask is made.These masons trained women from our community (Luo tribe) on the Rusinga Island how bowls further process, smooth, color, decorate and brighten. They supply us therefore rough semi-finished products which women from the Island of Hope finishes. Each piece made by them is original.
Soapstone is mined in large mines surrounding the area of Kisii. Mined talc is then delivered to carvers who carve sculptures from the natural stone for a new business markets. Once the products are carved, they disposse sharp edges with sandpaper dipped in water, polish to a high luster and eventually adorn hand-painted African motifs in vibrant colors with engraved elements.