Choose a specific vacancy for a teacher that you want to support from our database. An "adoptive parent" or supporter can be an individual, a group of people, a family, a school, an organization or a company.
Contact the project coordinator, who will send you the information about the nearest possible date for the adoption start, payment methods options and a link to the online form (donation contract) to fill out.
You can also come to our Prague office in person (appointment needs to be arranged in advance by phone) and we will take care of everything on site.
Fill in the provided online form (donation contract) for your chosen teachers job position – it is necessary to state your name / company name, contact details and select the method and frequency of payments. Then sign the donation contract and send its scan by e-mail to: info@centrumnarovinu.cz. Alternatively, print it twice, sign it and send it by post to the address: Centrum Narovinu, Sokolská 1802/32, 120 00 Prague 2.
Payment terms will be added to the contract at the office and the confirmed contract will be sent back to you no later than one week after receipt.
Send the payment to the account number specified in the contract (Czech Republic: KB-Praha 5, account number: 19-1460510217 / 0100, account in the Czech Republic in EUR (contributions from abroad, SEPA payment in EUR): 35-3076360217 / 0100 ( IBAN: CZ5001000000353076360217, BIC / SWIFT: KOMBCZPPXXX) Slovakia: ČSOB-Zvolen, No. 4001055909/7500 (IBAN: SK1375000000004001055909, BIC / SWIFT: CEKOSKBX) You can also pay in cash in the Prague office. As a variable symbol enter the number of the teacher's job position.
The monthly salaries of teachers and principals are as follows:
Nursery and primary school teacher – 6000 CZK (240 EUR)
Elementary school principal – 8500 CZK (340 EUR)
Secondary school teacher – 10000 CZK (400 EUR)
Secondary school principal – 12000 CZK (480 EUR)Frequency of payments: Please set a standing order always on the 15th of the given month. Payments can be sent monthly or you can subscribe for a longer period of time (eg 1 term, 1 school year).
25% of the amount is used for the organization of the project. It is necessary to pay postage (for sending the packages with materials from Kenya to the Czech Republic, sending letters to "adoptive parents"), bank fees and exchange rates, renting and running an office: office supplies, telephone charges, internet connection, salaries of employees in the Czech Republic and Kenya , external accounting company, travel expenses of voluntary coordinators in Kenya and in the Czech Republic, photo printing, websites, promotional materials, etc.
As soon as we receive the contract and the first payment from you, the adoption will take effect and you will have access to the "Personal page of the parent", where you can, for example, print a certificate, gift certificate or check incoming payments and change your contacts. Your e-mail address specified in the contract serves as the login name. You can choose the password yourself or it will be generated automatically.
For the duration of the adoption, we will provide you with regular contact 3 times a year in the form of a teacher's letter / report for the past school period. We also offer the possibility to connect with a teacher online (e.g. via Skype, Zoom) once per school period.