ZŠ Victoria School is one of the partner schools supporting the Island of Hope and children's education in Kenya. The school supplies produced by Victoria are already helping in classrooms across the first grade, and some are also available at the orphanage. The game of pairs has also brought great joyThank you very much.
"The whole month of September, our school was absorbed in the project Jambo Africa, which we prepared in cooperation with the organization Narovinu Centre. In the preparatory phase, the children learned the Jambo Kenya song, made teaching aids and poster designs for the African meeting of pupils, teachersand parents. At the beginning of the month, we hung the Kenyan flag and an exhibition of photos from Kenya in our school, which we enjoyed throughout September. During the week of September 20 to September 24 we lived in Africa intensely, with African workshops led by the Narovinu Centre in each classroom, with African themes covered in all subjects. And the highlight of the week was Friday's online link-up of each second grade class with African children on Rusinga Island. The online linking was also included in the program for the final African session.
At this meeting, our children sang African songs to their friends and talked about various topics. There was no end to the questions. No one wanted to go home. In the last week of September, the Kenyan flag was still flying on the school premises, and African rhythms were still ringing in the morning. Our pupils finished making teaching aids which were handed over to the Narovinu Centre. We are all happiest about the adoption of an African girl, Evaline, who we managed to adopt thanks to the voluntary contributions of parents of our children. What to say in conclusion? The project was beautiful, the cooperation with the Narovinu Centre was perfect, and the feedback from pupils, teachers, and parents was very positive. Thank you so much to everyone at the Narovinu Centre and the coordinators in Kenya. It makes a difference!
Victoria School"
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