
Job positions of teachers for adoption - Teacher of sixth grade Grammar school

Teacher job position number: 10009
Not adopted
The importance of the end exams by grade Eight is getting serious. Lots to learn and success is crucial. This brings high pressure on kids therefore the supportive and kind environment is essential. Co-working between each other is great and teach kids to improve friendships and working together. Practise is held on regular basic to reflect theory in real life. Active using of library and computer class is necessary. Children start to see the difference between them and younger ones. and realise that they set up example. As a class teacher I support them and I am always here when ever they need me. he debates on various situation from school and homes are held. Kids are very sensitive at this age but very clever and can see the difference of non-violent attitude of the adults in the Island of HOPE and the violence at home.
Contact: Dana Feminová, , tel. +420 777 711 911