Dear adoptive parents and everyone who support Centrum Narovinu, as we are currently collecting donation for Ruth, we would like to ask you for help. Eighteen years old Ruth suffers of cancer and her family does not have enough finances to start her medical therapy.
Ruth has 8 siblings. Her father is old and sick, therefore Ruth`s mum has to provide food for the all family members by fishing and selling fish. All of them live in small clay house with two rooms. Their income is about hundred Czech crowns per month. Ruth attends high school Hope Humanist, which is mixed Boarding School in our centre Island of Hope.
For last three month Ruth was not very well and complained about sore throat. She had to go to the hospital in Kisumu after check up at our clinic. The results have showed an anomaly in her throat. And unfortunately the biopsy has confirmed cancerous cells. Ruth suffers of strong pain and her health is getting worse every day. Considering the situation the medical treatment has to start as soon as possible. Agha Khan Hospital or Texas Cancer centre are the only two options. Nevertheless Ruth will have to travel over 420 km, in order to get chemotherapy treatment. There is no possibility of an operation due to the location of the cancer (between nose and eyes). The risk of loosing vision, hearing an ability to smell is too high.
Ruth`s adoptive parent paid for health insurance and also contributed extra cash for more treatments however the medical treatment, which Ruth has already received used all that money. Ruth`s family is trying to get national insurance health care (NHIF), which could cover expenses for hospital. Nonetheless the whole process is long and time consuming and Ruth needs to start her treatment now, due to her health condition.
We are trying to get more support from Kena, but the cost of the treatment will be high therefore we are also asking you for help.
Expected cost including chemotherapy, radiotherapy, all scans and other treatments were calculated as high as 830 600 KES (cca 180 000,- Kč) for the time being.
If you would like to donate you can send money to collection account: 107-6829480277/0100, variable symbol: Ruth 151634.
Every little can help to reduce such a high cost of the treatment.
We would like to thank you for your contribution and support.
Centrum Narovinu