


Until November 30 is held 6th the event to support education and healthcare: Giving Tuesday

We are symbolically joining Giving Tuesday – World Day of Generosity and Good Deeds by the appeal "Buy a soapstone hippo for happiness for CZK 80 and support one child's school day" Buy a hippo – support a child's education in Kenya To find out where you can buy a hippo and support children's education in Kenya, click here. Supporting education makes sense! Will you join us? Thank you. www.CenterNarovinu.org
Read more 22. 12. 2021 |


Introducing 5th event to support education and healthcare: Partner Schools and support of a Long Distance Adoption

ZŠ Victoria School is one of the partner schools supporting the Island of Hope and children's education in Kenya. The school supplies produced by Victoria are already helping in classrooms across the first grade, and some are also available at the orphanage. The game of pairs has also brought great joyThank you very much.


Introducing life on Rusinga Island and the Island of Hope project: Family of Jescy

Jesca is in the fourth grade, and she will introduce you to the whole family, tell you her favorite subject and what she helps with at home. You'll get a peek into the family farm. For example, the family grows peanuts. Do you know what the plant looks like and where the nuts actually grow? Jescy and her mother also take you into the kitchen, and this is how families traditionally cook. Jescy knows the names of all the members of her "adopted family," sends them greetings, and would love to invite them to Rusinga for a meal. She also named her doll after her "adoptive mother," Zuzana.
Read more 22. 12. 2021 |


Introducing life on Rusinga Island and the Island of Hope project: Family of Bentoline

Take a peek into the first-grade classroom. Dad introduces the whole family and shows us the land where they live – one small house is used as a kitchen, the other is a living room. Learn what it means in practice to have a "family business." And Bentoline will show you what he likes to play with. Even on Rusinga Island, the kids are bouncing rubber.
Read more 22. 12. 2021 |


Introducing 1st event to support education and healthcare: Bracelet collection

The bracelets were made by Narovinu Centre volunteers in October 2021, resulting in a beautiful collection of 72 bracelets decorated with Kenyan wooden or bone beads. You can buy them for CZK 100 here.
Read more 22. 12. 2021 |


PF 2022

Dear adoptive parents, dear supporters, and friends of the Center Narovinu, we wish you a peaceful rest of the year and only good things for the new year, especially good health and joy. Thank you for your support, all the meetings in person and online, and we look forward to our journey together. Your Center Narovinu
Read more 21. 12. 2021 |


Center Narovinu can be found at the new Prague address

We have moved, and now you can find us at Oldřichova 21, 128 00 Prague 2, (map). We are still not completely unpacked, and the heating is not working, so we are moving partly between the office and home office; before you come to see us, please, make an appointment by phone 777 831 836 or e-mail info@centrumnarovinu.cz; thank you. Please keep your fingers crossed that we get everything done soon and can invite you to join us for coffee and tea.☺
Read more 21. 12. 2021 |


A gift for the Island of Hope on its 18th birthday

The Island of Hope is celebrating its beautiful full age this year, and we are dedicating 18 symbolic events to it. If you want to join the congratulations, send a Christmas gift. You will be supporting the education and healthcare of the children of the Island of Hope.


The Island of Hope celebrates 18th birthday

The Island of Hope is celebrating its 18th birthday. We have one wish, happiness, health. We have more wishes, and we would also like to dedicate 18 symbolic events to it by the end of the year. ❤️


Bulletin – October 2021 (printed version for download)

Who makes up the Narovinu Centre team? We present volunteers in the Czech Republic * Adoption of African children – project of long-distance help: Supporting education makes sense! * Club of Friends of Adoption * Trainees from the University of Ostrava in the Island of Hope * Health insurance * Extra payments for children in the Child Sponsorship program * Africa through unusual eyes in schools
Read more 29. 11. 2021 |


18 stories of supported children

» 1. Story of a supported child: Introducing Brenda » 2. Story of a supported child: Introducing Wendy » 3. Story of a supported child: Introducing Bonface » 4. Story of a supported child: Introducing Audrey
Read more 10. 8. 2021 |


18. The story of a supported child: We present Valenter, who goes to the kindergarten Island of Hope.

Her mother died when she was little and is raised by her grandmother. You will always find a little girl in kindergarten with her favorite doll in her arms… At home, she loves to help her grandmother with cooking. Uncle Valenter is very grateful for the help and also for the fact that the adoptive parents take them as friends and family. Will you join too? www.CenterNarovinu.org
Read more 10. 8. 2021 |


Bulletin – June 2021 (printed version for download)

Club of friends of adoption * Who is in the team of Centrum Narovinu? We would like to introduce our volunteers in the Czech Republic * Introducing new support for our Nairobi office * The Eighteenths Adoption Programme of African Children * First impressions of intern Petra in Kenya * Health insurance – second wave * Extra payments to children in 2021 * The story of Peter and the Volary Primary School
Read more 15. 7. 2021 |


18 stories “Thank you for your support”

» 1. story: Introducing the founders of the Centrum Narovinu Dana and Simona » 2. story – We thank for their support: “The Narovinu Center gave me two things. Son Peter and love for African stories, thank you. And I wish us all good end stories.”
Read more 29. 5. 2021 |


17. story: Thank you for supporting actress Bára Munzarova, who supports high school student Edward in Kenya

“Dear Centrum Narovinu, admirable Dano and Simono, dedicated volunteers, all of you who participate…  I wish you all that your endless commitment and need to ‘do good’ and help would never leave you. Thanks to your ideas and unceasing efforts, may other Kenyan children have a chance at a better life with education. With your energy, you help turn for the better and direct a society-wide awareness of what all individuals can bring when they don't just think about themselves and get involved.


17. The Story of a Supported Child: Introducing Steven, raised by his grandmother on Rusinga Island.

Grandma will introduce you to their life on the island and also the traditional production of fishing nets that feeds them. Steven will show you the class and friends. He likes playing football and the adoptive parent would like to invite you to visit and have lunch. Will you join too? www.CenterNarovinu.org
Read more 27. 5. 2021 |


16. story: Thank you for your support to the singer Marcela Březinová, who has been supporting the girl Susan Atieno in her education for 13 years.

Thanks to her, she finished primary school and is now studying at secondary school. “I am grateful to be part of a team that conveys hope. A beautiful message that speaks of unity and our interconnection… And if I can only help a little, it is completely natural and obvious to me.” Will you join too? www.CenterNarovinu.org For pleasure, we attach a link to Marcela Březinová's song Náhodou.


16. The story of a supported child: Introducing Milka

Milka is a very clever little girl who is still surrounded by friends. The teacher will reveal what Milka enjoys most at school… Her mother will introduce you to the whole family, which she takes care of herself. You will see the area of Siaya, where the family lives and runs a farm that feeds them. Will you join too? www.CenterNarovinu.org  
Read more 12. 5. 2021 |


15. There are various ways to support the education of children in Kenya. One of the possibilities is a collection of sports, art, educational and school aids or books in English.

Thank you for your support to all schools, libraries, institutions, companies and individuals for the wonderful cooperation last year. In the Island of Hope, everything had to be thoroughly sorted according to the age of the children… And then they could start reading and painting beautiful pictures. Will you join too? www.CenterNarovinu.org  
Read more 13. 4. 2021 |


15. The story of a supported child and an adoptive parent: Introducing Wiclif and thanking the adoptive parents for their 18-year story

“We've been watching Wiclif since he was a little boy who grew up to be a handsome young man with a college degree. He often mentioned that he wanted to do something to help others. I believe he will succeed. We thank him for being able to share joy and worry with him, we thank him for being able to be here for him, for being here with us despite the distance between the two continents. We also thank the Centrum Narovinu for their help, which is meaningful and beneficial for the gradual comparison of differences between people.”


School structure changes since January 2021 concerning children in the Distance Adoption program in Kenya

In January 2021 Kenyan government decided that all kids will get back to school and therefore the government made a plan of how to catch up “lost year 2020” in two years, 2021 and 2022. In order to do so, they have changed the school year from traditional three terms to four terms. Most of the kids will attend school more weeks and they will have shorter vacations. Some students in final classes have to do final exams followed by longer vacations. Those students will continue to have just 3 school terms, but with different starting dates of terms.
Read more 27. 3. 2021 |


14. The story of a supported child and an adoptive parent: Introducing Ljuben and Diana and thanking for the shared stories

“The last year of Diana's studies became a bit more complicated, not only for her, but in the end everything turned out well and Diana graduated happily and even has a job offer. And I, her adoptive father, am also overjoyed to bring her to the finish line. We will continue to keep in touch and Diana can still count on my help in case of emergency, she will continue to be my beloved adoptive daughter. And I will follow her footsteps in life as long as I am alive.” Ljuben


13. The Story of a Supported Child: Introducing Riki and many thanks to adoptive parents for their joint journey since the beginning of the project in 2002

“First he sent us cute pictures from his life and the letters were written instead of him by a coordinator from Kenya. From the first grade, he learned English and began writing the first letters. Riki's English was getting better and better, and we could use his letters to get a picture of his family's difficult life and the current situation in Kenya. We were all happier that we were able to support Riki even outside the regular payments. I consider the possibility of supplementary health insurance, which repeatedly helped Riki when he got malaria, to be very important.


12. The story of a supported child and an adoptive family: Introducing Preslyne and thanking the adoptive mother very much for a shared story

Today, Preslyne is a young, pretty, ambitious girl with progressive views on the position of women in society, on the issue of practicing circumcision or forced marriages of minor brides. She is studying pedagogy at Kennyatta University and her ambition is to set an good example for her community. As a future teacher, she wants to educate children who will raise Kenya to a higher level in the future. She makes us, the adoptive parents, very happy with her exemplary diligence, because if I can quote her own words: "Education is the key to our life success".


11. The Story of a Supported Child: Introducing Brian

Thanks to the support of the adoptive parent, Brian graduated from the Island of Hope Elementary and Secondary School. He finished high school as our best student with an A- result. In order to start studying at university and have all the necessary expenses covered, he also organized a fundraising collection in Kenya last autumn. He rented a small room near the university and is studying at his dream university. Brian's medallion, after high school, was also published in last year's bulletin.


Bulletin – February 2021 (printed version for download)

We are celebrating the 18th birthday of the long-distance adoption of African children through beautiful stories * Who makes up the Narovinu Center team? We present volunteers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia * Club of Friends of Adoption * We present new reinforcements in the Prague office * Extra payments for children in 2020 * Adopt a teacher * Education is the key to our life succes * How I led Diana to the goal * Health insurance * Thanks for support to Czech schools * News from the charity shop 2020
Read more 26. 2. 2021 |


11th story THANK YOU for your support: You can support the education of children in Kenya in various ways. Another option is to support quality teachers.

We introduced several adoptive parents, volunteers who dedicate their free time to the project administration, artists who support us at events or companies that donate part of their earnings to support education… Another option is to support quality teachers. We thank the company OpenWise Solutions, which supports the operation of the computer room, IT teachers and the quality connection of the Island of Hope.
Read more 19. 2. 2021 |


10th Story THANK YOU for your support: Thanks for the support and beautiful video to Slovak youtuber Peter Expl0ited

We appreciate that we have adoptive parents across all generations… Thanks for the support and beautiful video to Slovak youtuber Peter Expl0ited. Will you join too? www.CenterNarovinu.org
Read more 17. 2. 2021 |


10th The Story of a Supported Child: Introducing Collins

Collins is a very nice young man who will tell you what helps him when he is sad… He will introduce you to the whole family, take you around the house and to the university where he studies business. He has known his adoptive parent from photos and letters since primary school and he would very much like to meet him in person. According to Collins' mother, the adoption program was a great benefit for the family, but it helps the most in college, where tuition is really high. The adoptive parent received the traditional name Biáhá from a Kenyan family.
Read more 17. 2. 2021 |


9th The story of a supported child and an adoptive family: Two families, two daughters, two continents, two different cultures… And one common path to education.

The adoptive family began supporting Maureen in 2002, when she have attended a primary school. They accompanied her in education until 2020, when she graduated in the University of Nairobi with a degree in journalism and media studies.