


The journey to my adoptive daughter Diana in Kenya

When Lenka Čapková asked me to write an article for the bulletin of Centre Narovinu about my journey to Kenya I didn't know how to write it. I thought that nobody would care which places I visited and what my feelings were. In Kenya I was keeping a travel diary and so I got the idea to write about the children and schools which I had seen.
Read more 9. 8. 2015 |


The interview with Ken Okongo

The interview with Ken Okongo, Head of Centrum Narovinu in Kenya, given during his visit to the Czech Republic in June. As we promised in our e-bulletin June issue, here is the full version of our interview with Ken Okongo, Head of Centrum Narovinu in Kenya, given during his visit to the Czech Republic in June.
Read more 9. 8. 2015 |


Narovinu Africa fest – 20th anniversary of Center Narovinu

In June, Center Narovinu celebrated its 20th anniversary by organizing a 2-day multicultural festival with a really rich program. Once again, we would like to thank all the organizations for their workshops and participation in discussions and the performers who made the atmosphere pleasant with their multicultural performances and workshops- they all supported us and our festival for free.


The European Year for Development

This is our world, our dignity, our future… The European Year for Development is not only a year for the international development community but a year for each and every one of us! Together we can make a difference to eradicate poverty and reach out to those who need it most.
Read more 5. 8. 2015 |


Collection of things for Kenya

By the end of August, a container will be sent to Kenya with a collection of things for the community center Island of Hope. We collect especially those things that can be brought or sent to the office of Centrum Narovinu (Sokolská 32, Prague 2, in working days from 9am to 5pm or by the agreement):
Read more 22. 7. 2015 |


Bulletin – June 2015 (printed version for download)

To whom the Club of Friends of adoption has helped in the second trimester of 2015? * Interview with Ken Okongo – Director of Narovinu Centre in Kenya, at the occasion of his visit in the Czech Republic * Medical cover through the eyes of its founder in Kenya * Meeting of Czech and Kenyan coordinators * Two teachers from Kenya visited a parter school in Dačice
Read more 15. 7. 2015 |


Call for tenders – Supply of the building material for the school

CENTRUM NAROVINU NGO Kenya publishes Call for tenders for the "Supply of the building material for the construction of the first part of the Boarding High School on Rusinga Island in western Kenya".
Read more 22. 6. 2015 |


Call for tenders – Execution of the construction works

CENTRUM NAROVINU NGO publishes Call for tenders for "Execution of the construction works of the first part of the Boarding High School on Rusinga Island in western Kenya".
Read more 22. 6. 2015 |


Books collections for Kenya

A container will be sent to Kenya in July – so you can still support our newly built library at the Island of Hope at the Rusinga Island in Kenya by donating books.  We collect books in English for children and adults. You can bring your books to the Narovinu Centre at Sokolská 32, Praha 2, subway station I.P. Pavlova, from Monday till Friday 9:00 -17:00 or you can agree on other time as well.  Books can be brought as well to our Narovinu Africa Fest on June 19-20 held at the international school Park Lane, Valdštejnská 151, Praha 1, subway station Malostranská. Thank you in advance for your support and help.
Read more 13. 6. 2015 |


Birthday beneficent raffle

As a part of the Narovinu 20 th birthday  celebration  we are organizing  a birthday beneficent raffle that will take place at the Africa Fest  during Friday  and Saturday - June 19- 20. You can contribute with a present – there are no limitations for your imagination, it´s all up to you what you donate – a flower, a bottle, chocolate, marmalade, hand-made thing, small gift for luck... The draw will be run each day – on Friday at 9 pm and on Saturday at 6:30 pm.  You can start looking forward to a great-value gifts as well as small gifts for luck. The proceeds will support the children of The Island of Hope at Rusinga Island in Kenya.  Looking forward to meeting you! Your Narovinu Centre.
Read more 13. 6. 2015 |


African Festival Narovinu

Added festival program. June 19-20, 2015. 20 years with Narovinu Centre. Celebrate with us! Multicultural musical and dancing performance. Park Lane Internatonal School, Valdštejnská 151. Prague 1 – subway station Malostranská.


Ken Okongo, cofounder and director of Centre Narovinu in Kenya, is going to the Czech republic

Ken Okongo is coming to the Czech republic on Thursday 21 st May. He was one of the founders of Centre Narovinu in Kenya and also of two other key projects of Distance adoption of children – the project of the Distance help and the Naděje Island at Rusinga Island in Kenya.
Read more 18. 5. 2015 |


Health insurance saves lives

Health insurance is important for everybody and Kenya is no exception. Health care is expensive, not only special care/treatments but simply just a visit to GP. Families which are part of the program „Child sponsoring” come from very poor background and because they are scared of the financial debt, it is common for them not to visit a doctor even in serious cases.


The Africa Project by unmissable eyes at schools

We have been realising educational programmes for schools focused on developing and global education since 2003. We offer extensive possibilities of engagement and cooperation to schools. Schools organise project days with African theme based on available methodical material. They are involved in The Program of Adoptions of African children – the project of distance support or Partnership between schools.


Adoption of African children – Project of long distance help is much more than only economic aid, because it creates a bond of solidarity and understanding.

Czech family supported education of Mathew Wamai from Kenya supported Kenyan family with business too. Kenyan family bought a big cow that is already producing milk.


My experiences from Kenya

In January and February, many people leave for holidays in equatorial Africa to enjoy the season of warmth and drought, to rest on the beaches, to challenge themselves by climbing up Mount Kilimanjaro, or to enjoy the adventures close to the wild animals on Safari. I had the opportunity to experience Kenya a bit differently. Together with other enthusiasts, I joined Dana Feminová on her regular work travel for Center Narovinu.


Meeting with the teachers from Island of Hope in Kenya

Tuesday 5. 5. at 18:00. Café V lese – Krymská 12, Prague 10 – Vršovice. Two Kenyan teachers Kevin Okinyi Onyango and Vincent Onyango Rowa work with children at primary school Island of Hope on Rusinga Island. The projects has been running since 2003 and works well also thanks to Czech and Slovak sponsors, who support the children in the project Adoption of African children – project of help for distance.


Two Kenyan teachers got an invitation from their partnership school and will arrive at Prague on Saturday

Two Kenyan  teachers – Kevin Okinyi Onyango and Vincent Onyango Rowa work at primary school of the Island of Hope at Rusinga Island in Kenya. Island of Hope is a project of Narovinu Centre and most of the children are orphans coming from very poor families.
Read more 16. 4. 2015 |


Seminar for students from our program regarding future employment

On Wednesday 18th March 2015 the Nairobi office held the career guidance seminar for students from our program who finished last year a high school and live in Nairobi and its environs. There were 91 people. Students were informed about further studies possibilities and future careers.


Call for tenders - Project documentation

Humanistické centrum NAROVINU o. z. publishes Call for tenders for the "Project documentation to build the Boarding High School on Rusinga Island in western Kenya".
Read more 2. 3. 2015 |


New Centre Narovinu printed Bulletin 02 / 2015

My (our) story with Eunice * The Club of Friends of Adoption is helping children in Kenya with their education even in the first trimester of 2015 * The News from Hope Island A classroom with library is under construction. * The Club of Friends of Island of Hope * SlovakAid supported another project of Community centre on Rusinga Island * Partnership between Czech and Kenyan schools * The Project Day – „The country We live in – My School“ * School Engagement in international developing programs * Once again you can present medical insurance to children!
Read more 25. 2. 2015 |


In 2013 Hellen´s adoptive parents visited her in Kenya. This year they will all meet in the Czech Republic

Thursday, 19.2. at 8.50am – first impressions and a welcome to Europe.. Vaclav Havel International Airport, Prague Thursday, 26.2. at 11am – Press Conference with Hellen and her adoptive parents 6pm – Meeting with Hellen followed by a projection and talks not only about life in Kenya, but also about development projects of Centre Narovinu I Love Mama restaurant, Lublanska 11, Prague 2
Read more 18. 2. 2015 |


Business trip to Kenya 2015

Dana Feminová, the director of the Centre Narovinu is from 20.1. to 11.2. 2015 on a business trip in Kenya. Current pictures and news from her journey can be found on our facebook. » Photogallery Dana spent the first two days working in the office in Nairobi – with Brenda (an accountant), Carol (aministration of the project Adoption for distance) and Ken (the director of the Centre Narovinu for Kenya).
Read more 5. 2. 2015 |


News from the Island of Hope in Kenya – a new library and a computer classroom are being built

At the end of December a construction of a new computer classroom and a library has been started at the community centre – the Island of Hope. In a few months children from the orphanage and the primary school will be able to use the new library and the IT learning can be started in the newly built computer classroom.


PF 2015

Dear adoptive parents, volunteers and supporters of the Centre Narovinu, we wish you peaceful pre-Christmas time and Christmas holidays and a lot of happiness, well-being and good health in the coming new year. We would like to thank you for your support and help in 2014, thanks to which more than 2500 children have an access to education and healthcare.
Read more 21. 12. 2014 |


A Kenyan girl called Eunice from the program of distant adoption has visited Prague... She has been invited by her “adoptive family” to spend Christmas in Europe.

The story began in 2007, when the Pavelka family from Bratislava, Slovakia, had read her life-story published at our webpage: Eunice Akinyi was born in August 12, 1996. Both of her parents died, when she was a little girl. She stays with her mother´s sister Evarlive Adhiambo, who takes take of her.


Christmas purchase of food for children in the Remote Adoptions program

A traditional and a highly valued Christmas purchase of food is just underway in Kenya. The money for this purchase comes from the unused annual scholarship paid for the Adoption of African children program, which we managed to save due to the exchange rate differences during the year.


Fellowship for University students in the Center Narovinu

Are you interested in the problems of developing world and would you like to obtain experience within a non-profit organization? Do you have good communication skills, are you creative and do you enjoy learning new things? No difficulties using computers and speaking English? You must be the right person for an internship we offer within our organization.
Read more 17. 12. 2014 |


„Adoptive“ girl Eunice has arrived from Kenya to spend Christmas with her „adoptive family“

A Kenyan girl from the Adoption of African children program – the project of remote support has flown in to visit her “adoptive family” in Bratislava. She will also visit Prague on Friday December 19 and we would like to make use of this opportunity and to invite you for a meeting with her. Eunice has lost her parents when she was a little girl. Her Slovakian adoptive family has been supporting her since 2007 and thanks to them and the project of Adoptions based on remote support Eunice can now continue her studies at the secondary school.


Meeting with Dominic, who we had been supporting for 10 years in the program of distant adoptions

When I found out, that I would fly to Nairobi for a CBRN workshop as an expert, I immediately started to prepare a plan to meet my adoptive boy (who is already 19 years old)  Dominic Mwangi. Dana – the director of Narovinu Centre helped me to connect  with my “adoptive son” Dominic and his Kenyan coordinator – Ken Okongo.
Read more 10. 11. 2014 |