


My visit to Florence

I decided to adopt a Kenyan child after X-mass 2012, thanks to the article about Petr Kostka's visit to his adopted child in Uganda. Because the school year in Kenya starts in January, things had to be speed up, which we managed together with a Czech coordinator. All papers were ready in a few days, so Florence could start school after the New Year.


News from Rusinga Island

What is the life of girls in the new building of the orphanage like? What new is growing in the school garden? What do the kids do in their free time? What are the future plans? We are bringing news and actual information from the Island of Hope from our co-ordinator Joash.


Water for Kauti

In December 2012  third phase of the project Water for Kauti – project for realisation of irrigation system. Complete work was successfully finished and as such we can bring you more details from the realisation phase and photos from the region. We would like to thank and appreciate work of Petr Chaloupka as without his help, useful advices and visits, the water in kauti would have been only a dream...


Video from Kenya – Bonface Muriithi Kinyua family

Our coordinator Ken Okongo published a short video from the boy's home. Take a look how “our” and “yours” children live...
Read more 11. 3. 2013 |


Media blitz of Centrum Narovinu

Was it contribution? Surely, for children in Africa. Within the project called „ Through Education towards a Universal Human Nation“, two TV spots were prepared, filmed and broadcasted. Their topics came from two Millenium development goals. One of them is the access of primary-school education to everybody). And the next is assuring of permanent environmental sustainability - access to clear drinking water.
Read more 31. 1. 2013 |


Visit to Philomena

It has been 11 years now since two friends of mine, the owners of CK Brenna travel agency, started to support the distance adoption project of Centrum Narovinu. In 2002, they became adoptive parents of then six-year-old Philomena Aoko from Nairobi. While being on holiday in Eastern Africa at the beginning of this year, I had a chance to visit the girl and her family.


Media campaign of Centre Narovinu

„Through Education towards a Universal Human Nation“ or Africa by uncommon eyes. As we have already informed you in the last issue of the bulletin, the grant of European Union supported a great spot campaign of Centre Narovinu. In September materials in Kenya on Rusinga Island were shot, the screenplay was being improved and it was dealt with all TV channels on the Czech market.
Read more 19. 1. 2013 |


One day in life

Marry sounds of children and birds wake me up. I open my eyes and through the mosquito net I can see the first sun rays. The day begins and children are coming to school that is was built just next to the house for doctors at a clinic that is my home for a few days. I have breakfast with a Slovak doctor Daniela, who came here for 6 months to help the local personnel at our clinic.
Read more 7. 1. 2013 |


Calendar of Centre Narovinu 2013

Give a calendar and support our projects this way For our „adoptive parents“, who donate school fee to the poorest children in Kenya as a part of the project Adoption of African children, we have prepared a small gift again – a calendar for 2013.  You can find in the calendar beautiful pictures showing our projects including short current information.


Looking back at the project Adoption of African children

In the last issue of bulletin 9/2012 there was an attachment focused on the project Adoption of African children. What do the children that passed the project do today? Have this project had any meaning? And how do it see the Czech adoptive parents? That is all included in the attachment...


PF 2013

We wish you peaceful Christmas and happy New Year. Thank you for your present support and we look forward to the next common projects. Yours Centre Narovinu


The attitude of Centre Narovinu to the candidancy of Táňa Fischerová

Centre Narovinu supports the candidacy of Táňa Fischerová as a public candidate to presidential elections. We realise that developing aims and positive changes in our society that we push through our citizen association are not possible without political will and total change of values and atmosphere in the society. 
Read more 4. 11. 2012 |


The chairman of Center Narovinu Dana Feminová flies to Kenya...

What is the aim of her journey? On Monday 22.10. Dana Feminová leaves to Kenya. During her stay she will focus especially on these issues: Work with the office in Nairobi – improvement of contact between Kenyan and Prague office, control of bookkeeping, plans for future cooperation ... Visit of schools in the project partnership and setting the criteria and evaluation of „good schools“ that we want to deepen our cooperation with
Read more 4. 11. 2012 |


Coordinator Ben Ooko from Kenya comes to the Czech Republic

As a part of the project „Africa by Uncommon Eyes - Through Education Towards Universal Humanation”, one of the main coordinators of Centre Narovinu in Kenya – Ben Ooko will arrive on Thursday 4.10. to the Czech Republic. Ben has been cooperating with our organisation since 2000.


Project Water for Kauti continues with building of irrigation system

On Thursday 13.9 our colleague Petr Chaloupka flew to Kenya to help start the next part of the project Water for Kauti – irrigation system.  Until now everything goes smoothly – work on the dam and water reservoir. The lengths are measured – between the damp, the main tank (above Kauti market) and the next tank (on the top of the ridge at farm King´oo). 


Island of Hope Centre – The Orphanage

In Island of Hope we have an orphanage which is catering for needy children who are either orphaned and do not have relatives to take care of them effectively for them to go to school or those children with either of the parents but are not able to offer a conducive environment for children to go to school.


Looking back at Small African Conference

At the weekend 7. – 9. September Little African conference in Zoo Jihlava was held – a meeting of travellers, photographers, zoologists and Africa lovers. Centre Narovinu took part as well so we are bringing a short summary. 
Read more 26. 9. 2012 |


Collection for a tractor for the Island of Hope on Rusinga Island

To give a tractor = to give food As we have informed you, in autumn 2011 the band Vypsaná fixa launched its new album and started a tour that includes a presentation of our developing project „Island of Hope“. Vypsaná fixa decided to support it and by selling badges helps us get some money to byu a tractor. Thank you. 
Read more 20. 9. 2012 |


Looking back at events in June

In June there was one of the main coordinators in Kenya Ken Okongo in the Czech Republic and that is why all June was full of different events. There were a lot of discussions, workshops at schools, meetings with adoptive parents or public held there. 


A competition of Czech Radio – We are drawing online

Even this year children from our schools in Kenya took part in a drawing contest of Czech Radio – We are drawing online. This time the topic was „Ideas that have changed the world“. From June the best pictures will be presented in Letohrádek Kinských – Musaion in Prague. The preview of the exhibition will take place 12th June from 3 pm. 


Press release:Coordinator of developing projects Ken Okongo from Kenya came to the Czech Republic

As a part of the project „Africa by Uncommon Eyes – Through Education towards a Universal Human Nation, Ken Okongo, one of the main coordinators of Centre Narovinu in Kenya came on Sunday to the Czech Republic. Ken was a member of the partner organisation of Centre Narovinu in 2000 in Kenya and also of the 2 main projects of Distant adoption of African children and Island of Hope on Rusinga Island.


Selling bags of Centre Narovinu

Make your close friends happy and support Centre Narovinu this way. We are offering cotton bags with an African motive and a quotation for 50,- crowns. The size of the bag is 42 x 38 cm, long ears over shoulders 60 x 2,5 cm. The picture of two colours – orange and dark red. The material is natural cotton. You can order it on centrumnarovinu@centrumnarovinu.cz and we will tell you other details about paying.  Thanks for your support.  
Read more 6. 6. 2012 |


Weekend of coordinators of distance adoption

At the weekned 19. – 20.5. a meeting of coordinators of distance adoption was held, this time in Zlenice at Čerčany. There were 24 coordinators from all over the Czech Republic present. At the beginning of the meeting we had a personal reflexion of own roles in activities of the Centre Narovinu and a discussion about existence of our organisation, what we consider as positive and negative and what our visiones for future of Centre Narovinu are.


Looking back at NGO market

  On Friday 11th May Center Narovinu took part in 13. NGO Market in National Technical Library in Prague 6.  As a part of the programme we organised a discussion „Africa unusually“  with a topic of necessity of education and developing projects in Kenya, which focus on access to education and health care.


Willy´s visit

We thank a lot for help organising a meeting with Willy, we really enjoyed our visit. One mening we sent an sms to Mr. Ngome and just the next day he gave us a lift. He was very nice, willing and pleasant. He was also able to manage Willy to move from school home very quickly.  We went by matatu with Mr. Ngome and then by motorcycles, we set off in the morning and after a stop in a shop and a bank we were at Willy in the afternoon. 


Meeting Doris

Good morning,  Mrs Feminová, we have just returned back from holiday in Kenya. Thank you for help with organising our visit of school in Mombasa. The whole visit went smoothly, the director and Doris came for us to our hotel, after visiting the school They toured us through Mombasa. They are awesome people, the visit at school was our strongest experience from the whole holiday. 


Publishing of the contract – Building of the orphanage on Rusinga Island in Kenya

The organisation NAROVINU realizes a project of a health centre on Rusinga Island on Victoria Lake in western part of Kenya, which is in process since May 2010. During that time we treated 9 700 patients, made 5 700 laboratory examinations, vaccinated 7 000 children. 141 babies were born until today here.  From October 2011 to September 2013 we gained a grant MZV SR – Slovakaid to run the hospital, which covers the costs for medical material, medicaments, staff of local nurses. In cooperation with College of St. Elizabeth we organise missions of our doctors. 


The coordinator of developing projects will come to the Czech Republic

We warmly invite you for a meeting with Peter Otieno from Kenya. As a part of the project „Africa by uncommon eyes - Through education towards a universal human nation“ one of our colleagues from Nairobi – Peter Otieno – will visit the Czech and Slovak Republic in a few days.


Food help – distribution

We started the distribution on Saturday 24. of september through to Sunday 25. of september. The experience was very touching more so when I was talking directly to the families and they dint expect that we would provide them with such amount of food.


Collection – food help

After my return from Kenya, I would like to share my impressions and information from the situation which could be seen in TV news recently. As you probably know, some parts of Kenya have been affected by long lasting draught which has caused famine – hundreds of thousands of people suffer from lack of water and food.
Read more 8. 10. 2011 |